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GORILLA Espresso 1000G Entkoffeiniert, Ganze Bohne

Gorilla espresso 1 kg, decaffeinated, whole grains

81.00 лв – 83.00 лв
Aroma of berries. Chocolate. Nuts. With a splash of honey. The corpulent espresso, easy, without caffeine.
Lavazza, Crema E Aroma, Arabica Und Robusta Kaffeebohnen, Ideal Für Espressomaschinen, Mit Schokoladigen Aromen, Reicher Und Vollmundiger Geschmack, Intensität 8/10, Mittlere Röstung, 1 Kg Packung

Lavazza, cream is aroma, Arabian and robust coffee beans, ideal for espresso cars

47.00 лв – 290.00 лв
Caffè is the aroma: a pack of 1 kg of medium fried grains, premium mixture, perfected by Lavazza so you can enjoy the long -lasting cream of a refined coffee...
Ganze Bohne Gorilla Café Creme, 1 Kg

Gorilla café creams, whole grains, 1 kg

62.00 лв – 543.00 лв
Experience Crème coffee as it should be. Delicate and corpulent taste. Ideal for enjoying pure or refined coffee as a café have lait. Corpical and delicate taste. Ideal for automatic...
Der-Franz Kaffee, Aromatisiert Mit Karamaell, Intensität3/5, Arabica Und Robusta Kaffeebohnen, 3 X 500 G

Der-French coffee, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans

65.00 лв – 102.00 лв
Carefully selected coffee beans (80 % Arabica, 20 % Robusta) produce a perfectly balanced mixture of aroma and taste, with a slight acidity and a sweet taste of natural caramel...
Melitta Bellacrema Crema Dolce Ganze Kaffee-Bohnen 1Kg, Ungemahlen, Kaffeebohnen Für Kaffee-Vollautomat, Sanfte Röstung, Geröstet in Deutschland, Stärke 2

Melitta Bellacrema Dolce cream, whole 1kg coffee beans

50.00 лв
Ideal for volume coffee machines: Coffee beans are suitable for preparing fully automatic or ground machines, portfilters, espressoons or French presses Creamy Mild: full Italian pleasure due Gentle Roasting Degree:...
CAFES GUILIS DESDE 1928 AMANTES DEL CAFÉ Kaffeebohnen Arabica Black Blend 1Kg

CAFES GUILIS DESDE 1928 Amntees del Café Arabica Black Blend 1kg coffee beans

78.00 лв
100% mild Arabian coffee mixture selected from the best harvest 100% natural fried Arabica coffee beans. Origin: Central, South and Africa Mix of five Arabian coffee cafes offering texture, aroma,...
Melitta Bellacrema Bio Ganze Kaffee-Bohnen, Ungemahlen, Kaffeebohnen Für Kaffee-Vollautomat, Milde Röstung, Geröstet in Deutschland, Stärke 3, 750G

Melitta Bellacrema Coffee berries whole, immeasurable, 750 grams

44.00 лв
Ideal for automatic coffee cars: Coffee beans are suitable for preparation in automatic or ground cars for manual filtration, Portafilter or French press. Perfect casting: Due to the perfect frying...
Corsini Caffe Super Cremoso in Grani Italienischen Espresso Bohnen - Mischung Aus Erstklassigen Kaffeesorten Für Einen Vollmundigen Kaffee Mit Starkem Charakter Und Lang Anhaltendem Nachgeschmack

Corsini Caffe Super Cremoso in Italian borders Espresso Beans - mixture of premium coffee for a strong, strong character and long -lasting taste

47.00 лв – 357.00 лв
High quality material SUSTAINABLE Sturdiness Flexible design Product description A mixture of the best coffees, carefully selected and fried by experts to create a balanced coffee with a pleasant cream....
Joerges  Kaffeehaus-Mischung, 1 Kg (Die Verpackung Kann Variieren)

Joerges Coffee House Blend, 1 kg (the packaging may vary)

53.00 лв
A mixture (70%/30%) of selected varieties, fried specially for the German aroma A full body, light aroma and with a pleasant cream 1 kg whole grains For fully automatic and...
Melitta Manufaktur-Kaffee Caffè Crema Spezialitäten-Kaffee, 500G, Kaffee-Bohnen, Ungemahlen, Single-Origin-Farm-Kaffee Aus Costa Rica, Geröstet in Deutschland, Stärke 3

Special coffee Melitta Manufaktur-Kaffee Caffè cream, Farm Coffee of Unique Costa Rica, fried in Germany

38.00 лв – 357.00 лв
Special coffee: Our coffee has been evaluated by certified experts and has a SCA score of 84.25 points - which does a special coffee according to SCA Long -lasting torture:...
Joerges  Super Bar Crema Kaffeebohnen 1 Kg Vollmundiger Geschmack, Intensives Aroma in Jeder Tasse

Joerges super bar cream coffee beans 1 kg corpulent taste, intense aroma in every cup

50.00 лв
Tasty coffee mixture obtained from 80% Arabica grains and 20% robust grains Perfect for all Italian coffee preparations Very beautiful dark brown cream For fully automatic and portfiller cars After...
Illy Kaffee, Kaffeebohnen Classico, Klassische Röstung - Dose Zu 250 G

Illy coffee, Classico coffee beans, classic frying

21.00 лв – 357.00 лв
mixture of illy coffee beans obtained from 100% Arabica varieties. For lovers of a delicate and soft flavor Perfectly balanced between acidity and bitterness, the classic aroma offers the illy...