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He-Ju, Pudră cu aromă de ciocolată albă și fistic, 250 grame

He-Ju, powder with white and pistachio chocolate aroma, 250 grams

45.00 лв
Healthy fun without addiction: Experience the full aroma without added sugar. Perfect for anyone who wants to eat consciously, but still does not want to give up sweets. Easy to...
Konzentriertes Aroma Tropischer Früchte - 10 Ml

Concentrated aroma of tropical fruit - 10 ml

22.00 лв
Use: The concentrated aroma can be used for a variety of professional and DIY dishes. The most popular applications are in food production, cosmetics, air odorizers and cleaning products. Advantages:...
Bio Grapefruit Kernextrakt 50 Ml - Alkoholfrei

Organic grapefruit seed extract 50 ml - no alcohol

27.00 лв – 37.00 лв
The extract from grapefruit seeds is obtained by grinding the grapefruit seeds of a certain kind of grapefruit: Citrus Paradisi. Grapefruit is a subtropical citric fruit that was first discovered...
- Konzentrat Aus Schwarzem Trüffelaromen 30Ml | Extra Stark Für Professionelle Nutzung | Ideal Für Hundeerziehung | Hervorragend Für Lebensmittelherstellung.

- concentrated black truffles 30 ml, professional use

50.00 лв
Intense aroma for professional use: our concentrate of black truffle flavor offers a very strong aroma, ideal for improving gastronomic preparations. Perfect for chefs who want to add a special...
Konzentriertes Toffee-Karamell-Aroma - 10 Ml

Caramel concentrated aroma, 10 ml

21.00 лв – 395.00 лв
Use: The concentrated aroma can be used for a variety of professional and DIY dishes. The most popular applications are in food production, cosmetics, air odorizers and cleaning products. Advantages:...
Apă de flori de portocal, 250 ml

Orange flower water, 250 ml

22.00 лв
Orange flower water is widely used in oriental and Indian cuisine. For flavoring sweet dishes, desserts, ice cream and drinks. Add 1-2 teaspoons of flower water to the portion like...
BIO Hagebuttenpulver I 1 Kg I Hagebutte Gemahlen I Aus Kontrolierter Wildsammlung I

Organic mulberry powder, 1 kg

42.00 лв
Organic mulberry powder is important to the immune system, collagen formation From the controlled wild collection Natural source of vitamin C No dyes, stabilizers and preservatives   Product description Organic...
Sahne-Aroma Konzentriert - 10 Ml

Concentrated cream aroma - 10 ml

21.00 лв – 394.00 лв
Use: The concentrated aroma can be used for a variety of professional and DIY dishes. The most popular applications are in food production, cosmetics, air odorizers and cleaning products. Advantages:...
Käse-Aroma Konzentriert - 10 Ml

Concentrated with cheese aroma - 10 ml

21.00 лв – 395.00 лв
Use: The concentrated aroma can be used for a variety of professional and DIY dishes. The most popular applications are in food production, cosmetics, air odorizers and cleaning products. Advantages:...
BIO Rosenwasser Zum Kochen Und Backen / Rose Water Spray Extra / 100 Ml / 100% Naturrein / Griechisch Hellada

Bio water of roses for cooking and baking, 100 ml

35.00 лв
Water of Ecological Roses 100% pure rose water Rose petals manually harvested in sunny Greece The product is safe for consumption and 100% natural Can be used as a cosmetic...
– Emulsion – Extrakt Und Natürliches Aroma Für Süßwaren – Ideal Für Desserts, Kuchen, Kekse Und Cupcakes – 120 G (Butter-Vanille)

Emulsion of butter and vanilla - natural extract and aroma for sweets, 120 g

26.00 лв
Emulsion for sweets. Adds intense aroma and shine to biscuits, cakes, glazes and more Is used in the same way and in the same amount as extracts but better results...
Borchers Flavour Drops | Probierpaket "Backstube" | 0 Kalorien | Zum Kochen Und Backen | 30 Ml

BORCERS FLAVOUR DROPS, "Backstube" tasting package

40.00 лв
Diversified varieties: Bochers Flavour Drops are now available in many different flavors. Each aroma is unique in itself, with varieties such as: cheescake, white chocolate or raspberries. In drinks: With...