Mother and child care

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Hipp Milchnahrung Combiotik Kindermilch BIO Combiotik 1+, 4Er Pack (4X600G)

Hipp Milk Food Combiotik Milk Milk Organic Combiotik 1+, 4 (4x600g) package

143.00 лв
From the first anniversary, your little one will become an active explorer of the world. Especially in this important growth phase, the correct supply with nutrients is crucial. Vitamin D...
BEBA 1 Anfangsmilch Von Geburt An, Babynahrung Mit DHA, Nur Laktose, Ohne Palmöl, 3Er Pack (3 X 800G)

Beba 1 Milk initial from birth, only lactose, no palm oil, pack 3 (3 x 800 g)

173.00 лв – 331.00 лв
Beba Formula: Milk Initial Beba 1 is adapted to your baby's special nutritional needs from birth Suitable from birth: contains only lactose According to the sole food when not breastfeeding...
Hipp Pre HA Combiotik 200Ml, 6Er Pack (6 X 200Ml)

Hipp Pre -HA Combiotik 200 ml, 6 (6 x 200 ml) pack

38.00 лв
HIPP pre Ha Combiotik is the latest generation of Ha foods with low allergen protein and the unique combination of valuable ingredients: natural lactic acid, LCP (Omega -3 and -6)...
Humana HN Expert, Von Geburt An, Spezialnahrung Bei Häufigem Oder Langanhaltendem Durchfall, Unterstützt Die Normalisierung Des Stuhlbildes, Mit Banane, 300 G

Humana HN Expert, from birth, special frequency or long -lasting diarrhea food, supports the normalization of the seat model, with banana, 300 g

21.00 лв – 41.00 лв
For special needs: our HN expert is a special food for frequent or long-term diarrhea and is suitable for exclusive feeding of infants from birth or for additional nutrition after...
Milupa Milumil Kindermilch 1 plus – Ab 1 Jahr – Für Kleinkinder in Der Wachstumsphase – Begleitet Die Natürliche Entwicklung – 5 X 550 G Pulver

Milupa Milumil Milumil 1 Plus - from 1 year - for young children in the growth phase - accompanies the natural development - 5 x 550 g powder

24.00 лв – 388.00 лв
Milumil's milk for children has everything they need small belly and what is not outside - with vegetable oils, no palm oil With the special mixture of GOS/FOS fiber, vitamin...
Hipp Bio Milchnahrung 2 BIO Combiotik, 4Er Pack (4 X 600G)

Hipp Organic Milk Food 2 Bio Combiotik, 4 (4 x 600 grams) pack

155.00 лв – 172.00 лв
Natural lactic acid cultures - initially obtained from breast milk, breast milk contains a variety of natural crops that can vary from person to person Ideally adapted to the diet...
Nestlé BEBA Comfort+ Spezialnahrung Bei Verdauungsbeschwerden, Babynahrung Von Geburt An, 1Er Pack (1 X 550G)

Nestlé Beba Comfort+ Special Food for Digestive Problems, Children's Food, 1 (1 x 550 g)

44.00 лв
For a good start in life: The infants formula is adapted to your baby's nutritional needs with a sensitive belly Special Birth Food: Ideal for babies with digestive problems, such...
Hipp Früchte 250G

Hipp multifruct 250 grams

32.00 лв
Our fruit varieties had enough time to bake and were able to develop their full fruit aroma naturally - without the addition of sugar (the ingredients naturally contain sugar) The...
Hipp Gartengemüse Mit Pute Und Rosmarin, 6Er Pack (6 X 250 G)

Hipp garden vegetables with turkey and rosemary, 6 (6 x 250 g) package

38.00 лв – 388.00 лв
With valuable vegetables Cooked slightly at steam Spiced up to fit children Product Description Garden vegetables at the hip with turkey and rosemary As a hot meal for children over...
Milupa Milchbrei Sanfter Start – Glutenfreier Babybrei Ohne Palmöl – Frei Von Konservierungs- Und Farbstoffen – Ab Dem 5. Monat – 4 X 400 G

Milupa Milupa Milp Start Milupa Milupa - Gluten -free, palm oil - no preservatives and dyes - 5th month

50.00 лв – 388.00 лв
Milupa Gentle Start milk porridge is adapted to the natural development of the baby and contains valuable cereals from specially tested fields. Milk porridge offers vitamins and minerals such as...
Hipp Premium Früchte 6 X 160G

Hipp Premium 6 x 160 grams fruit puree

28.00 лв
Our range of premium hipping fruit promises a fresh, intense fruit and a taste full of fruit at the highest organic quality The selected organic fruits are freshly harvested, frozen...
Humana SL Expert, Von Geburt An, Spezialnahrung Bei Kuhmilchunverträglichkeit Durch Laktoseintoleranz, Galaktosämie Oder Kuhmilchproteinallergie, Für Säuglinge Und Kleinkinder, 600 G

Humana SL Expert, from birth, special food for cow's intolerance due to lactose intolerance, galactosemia or allergy to cow's milk, for infants and small children, 600 g

38.00 лв
For special needs: SL Expert is a special food for people with intolerance to cow's milk, galactosemia or allergy to proteins in cow's milk and is suitable for exclusive nourishment...