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Melamin ESS Geschirr Set Lunch Box 16-Teilig Camping Reise Teller Becher

Ess Geschirr, Melamine, Lunch Set, 16 Pieces

269.00 лв – 296.00 лв
Elegant ceramic appearance. Resistant to washing on dishwasher, safe for food and unloadable Taste and neutral smell. Suitable for freezing. Easy to clean 4 large plates (Ø 25 cm) 4...
Plumi Geschirr Aus Glas, 18 Stück, 6 Personen, Mehrfarbig

Cheerful plumi, 18 pieces, 6 people, multicolored

81.00 лв
Manufactured in France Very durable temperate glass Sure for the microwave oven Safe for dishwasher 6 dinner plates 24.6 cm, 6 deep plates 22.6 cm, 6 dessert plates 19.6 cm...
Creatable, 23718, Serie Catania Eukalyptus, 12-Teiliges Geschirrset Für 4 Personen, Teller Set Aus Steinzeug, Spülmaschinen- Und Mikrowellengeeignet, Made in Portugal

Creatable, 23718, Catania Eucalyptus series, manufactured in Portugal

204.00 лв – 375.00 лв
Edles table payment set: 12 extraordinary pieces, ready to decorate your table. The set includes 4 dinner dishes (Ø 27 cm), 4 multifunctional bowls (Ø 22 cm) and 4 dessert...
MÄSER Serie Cordelia, Teller Set Für 6 Personen Aus Hochwertigem Steinzeug, 6-Teiliges Tafelservice, Unregelmäßige Geschirr Formen; Steinzeug, Sand

Mäser Cordelia series, set of plates for 6 high quality ceramic people

182.00 лв
Manufactured dishes set in Portugal, consisting of 6 plates with a dimension of 27 cm. The set of plates impresses with its simple beauty and harmonious design, perfect for any...
Pampille Clear Geschirrset Aus Glas, 18 Stück - 6 Personen, Transparent

Pampille Set transparent glass, 18 pieces - 6 people, transparent

157.00 лв
Round dinner service Luminac 18 pieces Pampille Clear composed of 6 dinner plates, 6 soup plates and 6 dessert plates. Very resistant glass dishes for daily use. The transparent color...
MÄSER Teller-Set Für 6 Personen Im Modernen Vintage Look, 12-Teiliges Tafelservice, Handbemalt, Grün, Steingut, Olivgrün (Bel Tempo II)

Mäser set of plates for 6 people with a modern vintage appearance, 12 -piece table service, manually painted, green, tiles, olive green (Bel tempo II)

124.00 лв
This modern and rustic dishes set consists of 6 deep soup plates and 6 shallow dinner plates in olive green color Colored Colored Bel Tempo Ceramic Cheerful is made handmade...
ECHTWERK 24-Teiliges Vintage Tafelservice "Ana" Modern-Design, Für 6 Personen, Stilvolles Geschirrset Aus Porzellan Mit 6 X Speiseteller, 6 X Beilagenteller, 6 X Schüssel, 6 X Teetassen

Echtwerk 16 or 24 Vintage Dinner parts "Ana", modern design, 6 people

147.00 лв – 166.00 лв
High quality porcelain: elegant first -class porcelain set for 6 people, with long quality and timeless design. Lucimous surface: The surface of the vessels adds a luxury note to your...
Creatable, 23630, Serie CAPRI - Reaktivglasur, 16-Teiliges Geschirrset, Kombiservice Aus Steinzeug, Spülmaschinen- Und Mikrowellengeeignet, Qualitätsproduktion

Creatable, 23630, Capri Series - reactive SMALT, SET OF MEP 16 pieces

165.00 лв – 273.00 лв
✅ Full set: This 16 -piece combined service is waiting for your table to decorate. The set includes 4 dinner dishes (Ø 27 cm), 4 dessert plates (Ø 21 cm),...
MÄSER 931966 Serie Confino Geschirr Set Für 4 Personen Im Modernen Vintage Look, 12-Teiliges Frühstücksgeschirr Service Aus Keramik in Petrol Mit Schwarzen Akzenten, Steinzeug

Mäser 931966 Confino dishes set for 4 people with modern vintage appearance, 12 -piece breakfast service

125.00 лв – 152.00 лв
This 12 -piece tiles (a high quality ceramic form) contains 4x cups of coffee (capacity 200 ml), 4x coffee plates (Ø 15.5 cm) and 4x small cereals (Ø 12 cm...
Ritzenhoff & Breker Kombiservice Valencia, 16-Teilig

Ritzenhoff & Breker Combined Valencia service, 16 pieces

50.00 лв – 239.00 лв
Service consisting of: 4 coffee cups (350 ml), 4 bowls (15 cm in diameter, 7 cm high), 4 flat plates (26.5 cm in diameter) and 4 plates (21.5 cm in...
Alpina Geschirrset 4 Personen Fruhstück - Teller- Und Schüssel Set - Steingut Geschirr Set - Frühstücksteller, Schüsseln, Tassen Und Untertassen - Mikrowellen- Und Spülmaschinenfest - Weiß

Alpina Mercy Set 4 people for breakfast

84.00 лв
Breakfast set for 4 people - the Alpina dishes set contains 4 breakfast plates, 4 bowls, 4 cups and 4 plates - perfect for a group of 4 people in...
MÄSER 931743 Serie Spicy Market Handbemaltes Geschirr Set Für 4 Personen in Mediterranem Vintage Design, 16-Teiliges Kombiservice Aus Keramik, Rosa, Steingut

Mäser 931743 SPICY MARKET series, hand -painted dishes for 4 people with Mediterranean design

251.00 лв – 357.00 лв
This absolutely extraordinary than 16 -piece dishes contains 4 flat plates (Ø 27 cm), 4 dessert plates (Ø 21 cm), 4 multifunctional bowls (Ø 13.5 cm, 500 ml) and 4...
Tafelservice Florine 26 Tlg. Arcopal, Glas, Weiß Rot Blau Gelb, 37 X 29 X 32 Cm, Einheiten

Florine table service 26 pcs., Arpopal

236.00 лв
Florine - classic cheerful collection from white -toed glass arcopal with floral motifs With wavy edge Durable - suitable for any household and catering unit Safe for the dishwasher and...
MÄSER Manhattan City, Tafelservice Auf Porzellan Für 6 Personen, Schwarz

Mäser Manhattan City, porcelain table service for 6 people, black

252.00 лв
Porcelain dishes set for 6 people consisting of 6 21 x 21 cm dessert plates and 6 26 x 26 cm dinner plates. The Manhattan City series is made of...
Barazzoni 82000625, Geschirr-Set, 18-Teilig, 6 Plätze, Grau, Porzellan

Barazzoni 82000625, cheerful set, 18 pieces, 6 people, porcelain

313.00 лв
Barazzoni - the answer to all the needs of the kitchen: a company that can offer a wide range of kitchen products in different materials.Barazzoni systematically refines their lines through...
WMF Profi plus Sparschäler 17 Cm, Gemüseschäler Rostfrei, Cromargan Edelstahl Teilmattiert, Spülmaschinengeeignet

WMF Profi Plus Sparschäler 17 cm, Gemüseschäler Rostfrei, Cromargan Edelstahl Teilmattiert, Spülmaschinengeeignet

60.00 лв
Inhalt: 1x Schäler (Länge x Breite 17 x 5.5 cm) - Artikelnummer: 1872616030 Material: Cromargan Edelstahl 18/10, Teilmatiert. Rostfrei, spülmaschinengeeignet, formstable, hygienisch, säurefest und unverwüstlich Der Schäler Eignet Sich Für...