Sweeteners with or without sugar

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Zahăr autentic de mesteacăn (Xylitol) din Finlanda, 1 Kg

Authentic birch sugar (xylitol) in Finland, 1 kg

45.00 лв
Authentic birch sugar in Finland (Xilitol) 1 kilo the Better Sweet Authentic birch sugar is a low calorie sweetener, very similar to taste sugar and consistency. Authentic birch sugar sweetens...
Zahăr din nucă de cocos-100% organic, nerafinat, 1 Kg
1 kg2 x 1 kg

Coconut-100% organic, unrefined coconut sugar, 1 kg

27.00 лв – 54.00 лв
Dragon SuperFoods coconut sugar is a delicious natural sweetener obtained from dehydrated coconut flowers. The taste has a subtle caramel note that integrates well into any dessert recipe or in...
Zahăr de mesteacăn original din Finlanda, 1 Kg

Original birch sugar from Finland, 1 kg

32.00 лв – 64.00 лв
Original birch sugar from Finland made of hardwood without corn! 40% less calories than sugar Suitable for diabetics Friendly with teeth   Product description Helps maintain the mineralization of teeth...
Nature Diet Xylitol, 1 Kg

Nature Diet Xylitol, 1 kg

30.00 лв – 44.00 лв
Discover a natural herbal sweetener - the perfect alternative to sugar. Enjoy a sweet flavored without calories or artificial additives. Poor calories, as sweet as normal sugar. Discover our natural...
Xucker Zahăr pudră Erythritol - Înlocuitor de zahăr fără calorii, 600 grame

Xucker Sugar powder erythritol - calorie -free sugar replacement, 600 grams

23.00 лв – 45.00 лв
Sugar substitute: sugar -free snacks with reconciled consciousness. Glased sugar is ground erythritol and a good alternative to conventional sugar. For a low calorie diet: powdered sugar obtained from erythritol,...
Palmzucker, Scheiben (1 X 200 G)

Palmzucker, Scheben (1 x 200 g)

6.00 лв
for sweetening the dishes   Product description 200 g Palm Sugar Sulfurized Duong Thot Not Ingredients / ingredients Ingredients: palm sugar, preservative: Sodium metabisulfit (E223))
Stevia + Eritritol 1:2 Îndulcitor, 1G = 2G Zahăr, 1 Kg

Stevia + eryritol 1: 2 sweetener, 1g = 2g sugar, 1 kg

44.00 лв
Sweetener with no calorie: Stevia + Erythritol If you are looking for a natural sweetener that is a healthy alternative to sugar, we recommend the sweetener Castello Nance 1907 Stevia...
Steviola | Îndulcitor Stevia | Îndulcitor fără calorii, 300 grame

Steviola | Sweetener stevia | Sweetener with no calorie, 300 grams

12.00 лв – 355.00 лв
Natural sweetness without additives: The sweetener Stevia Streusel offers natural sweetness without sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, artificial flavors or sweeteners. Easy replacement: Use the sweetener Stevia Streusel...
Eritritol Bio, Îndulcitor natural, Organic, Indice glicemic scăzut, 500 grame

Eritritol Bio, natural, organic sweetener, low glycemic index, 500 grams

34.00 лв
Naturgreen - organic eryritol, natural, organic, ecological sweetener, sugar substitute, low glycemic index, 500 g Product description Naturgreen - organic eryritol, natural, organic, ecological, sugar substitute, with low glycemic index,...
Eritritol - Alternativă naturală de zahăr, 2 Kg

Eritritol - natural sugar alternative, 2 kg

59.00 лв
Discover natural erythritol - pure sweetness without artificial additives. Ideal for food and drinks. Let yourself be inspired by its authentic aroma! Eritritol does not cause weight gain - the...
Nature Diet - Eritritol 2 X 1000 G | Îndulcitor natural | Zero calorii | Înlocuitor de zahăr

Nature Diet - Eritritol 2 x 1000 g | Natural sweetener | Zero calories | Sugar replacement

60.00 лв – 356.00 лв
Discover natural erythritol - pure sweetness without artificial additives. Ideal for food and drinks. Let yourself be inspired by its authentic aroma! Eritritol does not cause weight gain - the...
Zahăr organic brut din trestie, 1 Kg

Gross organic sugar from the cane, 1 kg

14.00 лв – 40.00 лв
BIO GREAT CAN SUGAR: High quality natural product - no additives BIO Certificate: The product is grown in accordance with strict orientations. We do not use plant protection products or...
Seeberger, Zahăr caramel ușor din trestie, 12 x 500 grame

Seeberger, light caramel sugar, 12 x 500 grams

74.00 лв – 355.00 лв
Unrefined aromatic: The caramel aroma of the tropical sugar cane plant is found only in unrefined cane sugar. Aromatic alternative to granulated sugar that seduces the senses Sweet temptation: Our...
Raab Vitalfood Premium, Zahăr de mesteacăn cu indulcitor Xilitol, Vegan, 1:1 Alternativă la zahăr, 300 grame

RAB VITALFOOD Premium, Birch sugar with Xylitol sweetener, vegan, 1: 1 alternative to sugar, 300 grams

23.00 лв
Premium birch sugar: Our premium birch sugar (xylitol) has 1: 1 sweetening power of sugar and can therefore be used as an alternative of friendly sugar with teeth Xilit: xylitol...
Zahăr organic din nucă de cocos, aroma de caramel,  1,5 Kg

Organic coconut sugar, caramel aroma, 1.5 kg

45.00 лв
Organic sugar from coconut flowers is a healthier alternative to classic household sugar and a tastier version of the natural sweetener As the name suggests, coconut sugar is a sweetener...
Steviola Stevia Fluid aromă de cireșe fructate, 125 ml

Steviola stevia fluid aroma of fruity cherries, 125 ml

14.00 лв – 355.00 лв
Sugar -free sweetness: Steviola Fluid Sour Cherry offers a delicious sweet sugar. Made quality in Germany: This product is manufactured in Germany under strict microbiological checks and is guaranteed without...