Product Description
- Liposoluble powder dye ideal for coloring high fat products: chocolate, butter cream, cocoa butter, martipan, high fat dough
- It is a very concentrated dye- it is dosed in very small quantities to get intense colors
- Strong enough to be used to color foods with darker shades
- Contains no gluten
- It does not contain sugar
- It does not contain nuts
- Packaging- vial with lid
- Weight- 20 grams
- Storage- dry spaces, dark with temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius
- Before use the vial must be very agitated- so the pigment will be very well distributed in the amount of powder
- It is perfect for decorating cakes, butter, honey, chocolate, cake dough, glaze, ganache glaze, strong candies, fondant, donut, biscuits, slime for children.
- Special designed for use in fat -based content products
- Liposoluble powders are soluble in alcohol or fatty substances
- It is not recommended to be added to water or other water -based products
- Can combine multi -color dyes to new shades
- With his help are obtained pure, intense and vibrant colors
- Are tasteless and do not change the texture of food
- It combines perfectly with different types of foods, with different types of textures. It works well with baking products and icing made from a variety of ingredient
- Always form a homogeneous mixture with whatever you use it
- It can be added in powder form when we want to color the chocolate. It is added directly over the melted chocolate
- For coloring other products it must first be dissolved in alcohol or fatty liquid substances (melted butter, oil)
- It is used for painting with brush the surface of sweets but only diluted in alcohol
- Diluted with alcohol is suitable for use with aerograph